Hey! Data sometimes tells whatever story you want.
Talk to us. Talk to Seattle. You didn’t speak to one housing person or org in Seattle. Not one. Not Seattle for Everyone, not Housing Now Seattle, not Seattle Tech for Housing, not Sightline, not Sierra Club Seattle, not Housing Development Consortium. Please talk to people who are advocating for housing here if you’re going to use us as an example. Talk to Councilmember Johnson. Talk to our Mayor. Talk to Councilmember Kshama Sawant. Talk to Humbows Not Hotels / CID Coalition and Artists Coalition for Equitable Development (ACED). Talk to those of us with different vantage points and experiences and policy solutions. Cities are about people not data sets.
You really missed an opportunity to understand Seattle and how we yimby and how we are and are not like California.
#yesinourbackyards #yioby (follow me @yimbysea on twitter)